
I like to blog about stuff like productivity, business, YouTube, and other stuff I'm interested in. Hopefully you'll find some of it interesting too.

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What energizes you?

Hey friends, I originally set myself a deadline to complete the draft of my book by the end of March […]

The Myth about Hard Work

Hey friends, Here’s an update on the Book Journey. Sorry I’ve been a bit silent on here – juggling various […]

How to Learn Anything Faster

Learning how to learn is one of those meta skills that nobody ever really teaches us. But, it’s also the number one skill we should learn if we’re looking to significantly improve our life in basically every single way.

9 Lessons from 4 Years on YouTube

In this article, I wanted to share 9 lessons I’ve learned over the past 4 years of being a YouTuber. Lessons that have not only helped me improve as a YouTuber, but also helped more generally in my life.

How To Type Faster: 8 Actionable Tips To Increase Your Typing Speed

Let’s be honest – we’re all using computers on a daily basis and most of us use it for work. And while I don’t want to admit it, I spend the majority of my time in front of my laptop writing blog posts, emails, and consuming content.

The 5 Rs of Note Taking

The way we take our notes influences how well we learn. In short, a good note-taking technique is one that helps us remember, retain, and recall the most amount of information.

How To Stay Focused (and not get distracted)

These days it’s harder than ever to stay focused. We’re surrounded by fancy technologies and the whole new (and usually more fun) world is just a stone’s throw away.

The ABCs of Idea Generation

One of the first bottlenecks you’ll probably come to when starting a YouTube channel is the fear of running out of content ideas and idea generation in general. A fear you’ll get to a point where you’ve got nothing new or interesting to offer to your audience.

The Feynman Technique

When we learn something, it’s easy to convince ourselves that we’veΒ understoodΒ it too. But, are we really learning effectively? Have we understood the concept or simply memorised some sentences?

My Top 10 Tips for Aspiring YouTubers

Starting a YouTube channel is, hands down, the single best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’ve met hundreds of incredible people, built an income-generating machine, and enjoyed every step of the way. So in this article I’m going to share my top 10 tips on how to get started on YouTube.