10 Life Lessons from Writing my First Book


Hey friends,

This weekโ€™s been pretty mental. On Thursday we announced my brand new bookย Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to Youย onย YouTube, and then on Friday we propagated the announcement across all our social media channels. Weโ€™ve had a pretty incredible response, with hundreds of lovely comments and DMs and emails from people saying congratulations, and how much theyโ€™re looking forward to reading the book.

โ€‹Feel-Good Productivityย is about how to be more productive, but in a way that feels enjoyable, meaningful and sustainable. Itโ€™s 10+ years of my own experience with productivity, combined with hundreds of hours reading research papers and interviewing experts, and trying to synthesise all that knowledge into a series of principles and strategies that anyway can try out in their own work and life.

And the core idea at the heart of the book is that the secret to productivity isnโ€™t discipline – itโ€™s joy. When weย feel goodย about our work, when we can find a way to make our work generateย positive emotionsย andย energy, we become more productive, more creative and less stressed. This all improves our performance in our work, but it also gives us more energy to give to the other areas of our life. So the book is a science-backed, practical guide to incorporating theseย energisersย into your work (amongst other things), so that you can boost yourย feel-good productivity.

In case you missed it – the bookโ€™s nowย available to preorderย in lots of countries all around the world ๐Ÿ™‚ Itโ€™s being released in December this year, but weโ€™re trying to drive as many preorders as we can to (a) make sure we print enough copies, (b) create buzz around publication, and (c) to try and hit the bestseller lists. So if you havenโ€™t yet preordered, Iโ€™d love if you would consider doing so please ๐Ÿ˜‰ And if you do, pleaseย save your receiptย because Iโ€™ll be unveiling a bunch of exclusive bonuses for people who preorder soon ๐Ÿ‘€

Working on this book over the past three years has been one of the hardest, but also one of those most rewarding things Iโ€™ve ever done. Iโ€™m really proud of how itโ€™s turned out, and I hope youโ€™ll find at least a few things you can take away from it to apply to your work and your life.

I also wanted to say a huge thank you to you – weโ€™ve got some people on this email list who have been following my channel since 2017, and others who discovered it in the last few weeks. However long youโ€™ve been part of this community for, thank you – the fact that you watch the videos, read these emails, engage on socials or any combination of the above, means that Iโ€™m able to make a living out of doing what I love – learning cool stuff, applying it to my own life, and sharing it with others. This, for me, is the infinite game that I hope to continue playing for the rest of my life. And I couldnโ€™t be more grateful to you for helping to make it possible.

To make this email more than just a sales pitch for the book lol, I thought Iโ€™d share a few life lessons that Iโ€™ve picked up through the writing of the book. I hope youโ€™ll find some of them applicable to whatever life situation you find yourself in.

  1. Big projects take way longer than you think theyโ€™re going to take. Thatโ€™s okay.
  2. Having said that, each component of a Big Project can be done way quicker than you think – provided you lower your standards.
  3. Lowering your standards is a great way of getting out a rough first draft for anything youโ€™re working on.
  4. Getting started is often the hardest part. Just get started – the momentum will often keep you going with a lot less effort.
  5. Every so often, ask yourself what your priorities are. Then look at your calendar to determine whether youโ€™re acting in accordance with those priorities. Adjust accordingly.
  6. Before 11am, and after 11pm, is the best for creativity. But you feel way better when you wake up early, get some sunlight, and get to work, than when you work into the night and have a lie-in.
  7. Coffee shops are great places to work. By going to different coffee shops, libraries and/or co-working spaces each day, you add a sense of adventure to your work by default.
  8. Editors are amazing, and can take your work from a pile of slop into something that looks and sounds pretty good. Find an editor for your work – even if your work isnโ€™t writing.
  9. Working with friends around you feels way more enjoyable and energising than working on your own. Donโ€™t be afraid to organise co-working retreats – your work, your friends, and your soul, will thank you for it.
  10. Focus on enjoying the process. At the end of it, youโ€™re going to realise that the destination is meaningless if you didnโ€™t enjoy the journey.

Thatโ€™s it for this week. Hopefully this email addresses some of the replies to last weekโ€™s, where more than a handful of people replied saying it was way too long – sorry about that ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Please do considerย preordering the bookย if itโ€™s available in your country. You can check out the website, along with country availabilities, atย www.feelgoodproductivity.comย – weโ€™ve had a lot of feedback from people saying โ€œThis is the nicest book website Iโ€™ve ever seen in my lifeโ€ so itโ€™s worth checking out even if you have zero intention of buying the book ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a great week!

Ali xx

โ™ฅ๏ธ My Favourite Things this Week

  1. โ€‹This clip from Russell Brandย is one of the funniest stand-up comedy bits I’ve ever seen in my life. I was on a lads road trip in the Yorkshire Dales when one of the boys recommended this, and we played it multiple times. Definitely not safe for work. Very vulgar too – if that’s likely to offend, please don’t click ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. โ€‹This is my new favourite music to work toย – each morning, as I sit down to work, I whack on this video and have it playing in the background. Everyone in the office loves it too.
  3. I lovedย Steven Bartlett’s interview with Ramit Sethiย on theย Diary of a CEOย podcast. I’ve been a fan of Ramit’s work for ages, and seeing him talk so passionately about money in high-quality video was really nice. Learned some new lessons about money too, and I’ve added hisย Rich Lifeย prompts to my list of journaling to do for next week.
  4. We switched over from Google Analytics toย Fathom Analyticsย for the book website. I love it so much. It’s simple, easy-to-use and creates speedy, pretty dashboards that are way nicer and more user-friendly than the Google Analytics ones. If you manage websites and haven’t yet tried Fathom, I’d really recommend it – means you don’t need those annoying cookie banners either. No partnership with these guys at all, just purely expressing joy for a well-designed product.
  5. I’ve started readingย Notes from a Fellow Traveller, a book about magic, mentalism and showmanship from one of my all-time heroes Derren Brown. I had the delight of attending an event at the Magic Circle where Derren was interviewed about his book, and managed to get a signed copy +ย cheeky photo with him afterwards. Really surreal moment for me, given that I’ve been following Derren’s work for like 15+ years. Great book too – lots of lessons that apply to the craft of YouTube video-making. But very much aimed at magicians / people with a working knowledge of magic. If you’re looking for a more accessible read from Derren,ย Happyย remains one of my favourite books of all time.

๐ŸŽฌ My New Videos

๐Ÿ“šย I Have a Huge Announcementย – In case you missed it, check out the latest video on the channel.

โœ๏ธ Quote of the Week

โ€œPeople with neurotic lifestyles tend to sprinkle their speech with such words as โ€˜everyoneโ€™ and โ€˜alwaysโ€™ and โ€˜everythingโ€™. โ€˜Everyone hates me,โ€™ they will say, or โ€˜Itโ€™s always me who takes a loss,โ€™ or โ€˜Everything is wrong.โ€™ If you think you might be in the habit of using such generalising statements, you should be careful.”
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