Welcome to the
Part-Time YouTuber Academy.

We'll help you grow your YouTube Channel faster. While saving you hours every week.

Discover the proven strategies and techniques to thrive on YouTube - without quitting your day job.

Enrol Now

A YouTube Channel can completely change your life - it changed mine.

If we havenā€™t met before - Hi, my nameā€™s Ali šŸ‘‹

I started making YouTube videos in 2017, while in my final year of medical school at Cambridge University.

I started off with 0 views, 0 subscribers and $0 in revenue. I knew absolutely nothing about filming, editing or publishing videos, but after watching hundreds of tutorials, I figured out the basics.

Growing the channel was a challenge at first.

I was working 50-60 hours a week in the hospital, commuting 2 hours a day, and trying to maintain my health and social life.

That didnā€™t leave a lot of time to do YouTube.

But I knew I wanted the freedom and flexibility that a profitable, sustainable YouTube channel could give me...

18 months later, my YouTube channel reached 100,000 subscribers and was making as much money as my full-time job working as a doctor.

Two years later, I hit 1 million subscribers, $1m in annual revenue, and finally made the decision to quit my day job.

Now, Iā€™ve been a Part-Time YouTuber for nearly 6 years and my channelā€™s grown from zero to 4.3 million subscribers.

I genuinely look forward to Mondays, working with a team of amazing creatives, and doing what I love, with a lot of freedom, fun and flexibility. I get messages every day from people saying my videos have changed their lives. Iā€™ve even written my first book, due to be published by Penguin later this year.

And I make more money in a single year than I wouldā€™ve made in two decades working as a doctor.

I know, it's absolutely mental.

I think itā€™s fair to say that YouTube has completely changed my life.

And I fundamentally believe that if you take it seriously, and figure out how to sustainably grow your channel, YouTube can change your life too.

So how do you do it? How do you unlock the power of a growing, sustainable and profitable YouTube channel? Well, itā€™s pretty simpleā€¦

The Simple ā€œSecretā€ Formula to 100,000+ Subscribers

Over the last 6 years, Iā€™ve learned a lot about what it takes to build an audience from scratch, provide value consistently, and monetise in a non-spammy way.

Iā€™ve spent thousands of hours, and over $100,000 in courses and coaching programs to try and find the secret sauce that helps grow a channel and a business. And while Iā€™ve learned a hell of a lot of things (more on that later), the biggest thing Iā€™ve learned is this:

Thereā€™s no secret to building a life-changing YouTube Channel.

Itā€™s just a matter of:

  1. Creating videos that people find valuable
  2. Posting them on YouTube at least once a week
  3. Repeating this for at least 2 years

Thatā€™s all it takes.

I personally guarantee that if you follow this 3-part formula, your life will change in ways you canā€™t imagine.

Youā€™ll learn incredibly useful skills, youā€™ll make friends with amazing people from all over the world and youā€™ll start to generate ā€˜passiveā€™ income. You might even get messages from people about how your videos have changed their lives šŸ˜³

But you probably already knew that.

All of this stuff is easy in theory, but difficult in execution. Why?

Why do so few creators actually succeed on YouTube?

One word - time.

Growing on YouTube is hard, because it takes a lot of time. And unless youā€™re unemployed with no family and no friends, time is probably something you donā€™t have a lot of.

Sure, if youā€™re a 14-year-old kid with all the time in the world, you could dance on TikTok during the day, and make Minecraft videos at night.

But if youā€™re like me, and youā€™ve got an actual job, or a family, or you just donā€™t have 40+ hours a week to devote to your YouTube Channel as your second job, things are a lot harder.

To be a successful YouTuber, youā€™ve got to balance a bunch of different skills, some of which have entire university courses built around them, which can take years to master.

And especially if youā€™re juggling your real life alongside your YouTube life, these can all feel like a huge time sink.

There are dozens of ways in which YouTube sucks up your spare time

Strategy & Niching

There are so many niches to choose from. Theyā€™re all saturated. How do you stand out? Only 2.5% of YouTubers ever hit 1,000 subscribers. And less than 0.6% will reach 100k. Are you wasting your time going after aĀ competitive niche?

Idea generation

Of all the ideas out there, how do you choose the ones that are more likely to grow your channel? You donā€™t want to waste time making videos that no oneā€™s going to watch. And you have this problem every week, for years.

Titles and Thumbnails

You know how important they are, but you donā€™t have the time to think about them properly. And when it comes to making the thumbnail, you know your thumbnails arenā€™t as nice as you want them, but it just takes so much time to get them looking good.


It takes ages to research and script videos. You wanted to be a YouTuber, but you didnā€™t realise that you had to become a professional writer as well.


You donā€™t know what camera gear to get, you donā€™t want to spend ages watching reviewsā€¦ And then youā€™re talking to a camera, youā€™re screwing up, it takes an hour to film a ten-minute video and youā€™re sitting there thinking ā€œwhat am I doing with my lifeā€.


It takes 10+ hours to edit a video. Itā€™s fun the first few times, but then it becomes a chore. Thatā€™s 10 hours a week you could be spending with your family, doing a hobby you actually enjoy, or even doing higher-leverage things for your YouTube channel. And if youā€™ve ever tried to outsource video editing, you know how much of a nightmare that is - sourcing, trialling, and hiring freelancers who end up flaking and not working out.


At the point where youā€™re ready to monetise, you start getting brand deals. But you donā€™t know how much to charge. You spend ages going back and forth with brands, on deals that go nowhere. Thatā€™s hours of time wasted every week.

Staying up to date

The YouTube algorithm is always changing. Itā€™s practically a full-time job to keep on top of whatā€™s going on.Ā You'll want to stay on the cutting edge of these changes so youā€™re not wasting your time creating content that no longer works.

And whether you figure it out on your own or not, youā€™ll also have to do all this while juggling your job, relationships, family and health, while doing your best to avoid burnout.

Iā€™m not saying that you canā€™t figure all of this out on your own. I did, but it took me 6 years, and $100k+ in courses and coaching.Ā 

Yes, there are thousands of hours of videos out there teaching you how to do all of these things, but all those videos will take you thousands of hours to watch, and thousands of hours to implement.

And even then, you might still get it wrong and not see any results.

So how do you succeed on YouTube without giving up all your spare time?
You build a Content Production System.

Thatā€™s the secret.

If you can systemise and operationalise your YouTube channel, youā€™ll be able to pump out high-quality content that genuinely helps your audience and grows your channel, without sacrificing all of your time.

Walk into any McDonaldā€™s, anywhere in the world and youā€™ll get the same service. McDonaldā€™s have done a great job of systemising their business. The systems are so good, and so evolved, that you get ridiculous volumes of ā€˜productā€™ in a ridiculously short time.

Just like McDonaldā€™s (and in fact, all other businesses), you want to build a system around your YouTube channel, and wider content creation business.

Systems provide leverage. Leverage is how you increase your output while saving time.

Thatā€™s the true secret to succeeding as a Part-Time YouTuber. Build a system.Ā 

  • Build a system for generating ideas .
  • Build a system for creating banger titles and thumbnails .
  • Build a system for expanding , for outsourcing , for monetising .
  • Build a system for knowing what videos are likely to perform well .
  • Build a system for scripting, for filming, for editing, for publishing, for repurposing, for analytics.

And no - this doesnā€™t suck the creativity out of being a creator. Instead, it multiplies it, because youā€™re spending your time focusing on the creative parts that you actually enjoy.Ā 

When you systemise the living daylights out of your YouTube channel, and the wider business around it, youā€™re able to maximally leverage your own time.Ā 

This means you can create amazing videos without sacrificing large amounts of time.

Of course, it still takes plenty of effort to make compelling YouTube videos. But if youā€™ve got a system, it takes a lot less time.

Iā€™ve built these systems for my channel and my business.
And I can help you build yours too.

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy condenses 6 years and thousands of hours of YouTube experience into an immersive, interactive course.

Iā€™ll teach you everything about the Infinite Content Engine, the system that Iā€™ve used to grow my own channel, and that Iā€™ve taught to 3,000+ other creators.

By the end, youā€™ll know how to build your very own Infinite Content Engine thatā€™ll save you lots of time for the rest of your YouTube career.

Throughout my journey over the last 6 years, Iā€™ve had constant questions from other creators asking about how I grew my own channel as a Part-Time YouTuber. So in 2020, I started the Part-Time YouTuber Academy as a way to help creators invest their time into what really matters when it comes to being a Part-Time YouTuber - building a system.Ā 

The systems weā€™ve developed and which we teach in the course grew my own channel from zero to 1.2 million subscribers (with $1,000,000 in annual revenue) while working full-time as a doctor.

And the systems Iā€™ve continued to develop and use since then have grown my channel to 4.3 million subscribers (with $4,600,000 in annual revenue). All while ā€œworkingā€ under 10 hours per week on the channel.

As youā€™re working your way through the course, hereā€™s a flavour of what youā€™ll get:

Youā€™ll go through our Niche Discovery Framework, to help you figure out your niche and what to make videos about, so youā€™re not wasting time creating content thatā€™s unlikely to work for you in the long term

Youā€™ll get my Outsourcing Almanack - a system for outsourcing editing, including job descriptions and a step-by-step guide to finding the perfect video editor who edits in your own style. Thisā€™ll help you save 10+ hours every single week.

Youā€™ll learn my Perfect Packaging Process, a step-by-step framework (including best practices, templates and tools) for creating compelling titles and thumbnails quickly and efficiently, so youā€™re not spending hours trying to craft the ā€˜perfectā€™ title and thumbnail combination every time.

And so youā€™re not wasting hours creating videos that no oneā€™s going to click on because the title and thumbnail suck ;)

Youā€™ll learn my HIVES Framework for structuring and scripting your videos so that youā€™re not wasting your time trying to reinvent the wheel every time you make a video.

Youā€™ll build your own streamlined Infinite Content Engine, with the next 3-6 months of content planned out, so you can sustain your output after the course ends.

Youā€™ll build your own Idea Generation Machine thatā€™ll help you generate ideas, and tell you which video ideas have a higher chance of going viral and growing your channel, so youā€™re not wasting time making videos that are unlikely to perform well.

Okay, that's a lot of stuff. But does the Part-Time YouTuber Academy actually work?

HowĀ we've helped Beginners to shortcut their YouTube learning curve

Izzy had never made a video before she took our course. She implemented everything she learned, and her channel has grown to 300k+ subscribers since.

"I think the content is super helpful, especially for a beginner to really get an idea of the YouTube landscape and how everything works. Secondly, the amazing community of creators was something I never expected and has actually been the most valuable takeaway for me."

Izzy Sealey (363,000Ā Subscribers)

Ellie-Jean was (almost) a complete beginner when she joined PTYA. Almost as soon as she started posting, her channel started to take off. She took the course a second time a few months later to consolidate her learnings, and to get more feedback.

ā€œI found loads of really great resources through the Academy. Itā€™s really helped me to think about capturing everything I see and putting it somewhere I can return to it. Iā€™d recommend others to join because itā€™s such an amazing community.ā€

Ellie-Jean Royden (280,000 Subscribers)

Clara had made a handful of videos before taking PTYA early in her YouTube career. SheĀ has grownĀ her channel (in Spanish) to 200k subscribers.

"I really liked the sessions with Ali, and the community in Circle. Everyone was so positive, encouraging and helpful, and learning about Aliā€™s journey and experience firsthand was really motivating. I started my channel only a few months before PTYA launched [...] so learning about everything in an easy to digest way was super helpful. After taking the course, I knew exactly who my target audience was and what I needed to do to make good videos.ā€

Clara Carmona (210,000 Subscribers)

PTYA has also helped more Intermediate YouTubers level-up their channels.

John had made ~35 videos, and was on 1,000 subscribers when he took PTYA. Since then, his channelā€™s grown to 300k+ subscribers and changed his life.

ā€œHaving a smaller community to compete with really motivated me to bring my A-Gameā€¦ I would recommend PTYA to anyone whoā€™s thinking about starting a YouTube channel and who knows theyā€™re going to be able to take it seriously. I do think PTYA is the best course Iā€™ve seen on the topicā€.

John Coogan (300,000 Subscribers)

Daniel had made a few dozen videos, and had 3600 subscribers when he took PTYA. His channel immediately exploded, and heā€™s now approaching 900,000 subscribers.

Dami had made ~15 videos, and had 500 subscribers when she took PTYA. Since then, her channelā€™s followed the classic exponential growth curve, and sheā€™s now approaching 800,000 subscribers..

"Although it took a lot of luck and strategizing to grow my YT channel, the course was an incredible value - from mindset, tried and tested tips, to customized feedback from an amazingly supportive community. It will give you a great foundation to kickstart your Youtube journey."

Dami Lee (756,000 subscribers)

Tiago Forte had been making videos on-and-off for a decade. He decided to take YouTube seriously when he took PTYA. His channel immediately exploded, drove millions of dollars of revenue for his business, and helped his first book hit the bestseller charts.

"We invested over $300,000 in our YouTube channel when we decided to take it seriously. The $5k for the Executive version of PTYA was one of the highest ROI expenses we've ever had in our business. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to shortcut the long learning curve of YouTube"

Tiago Forte (162,000 Subscribers)

PTYA has also helped Advanced YouTubers level-up their systems and their channels.

Ankur had been making videos for 3 years, and had 36k subscribers. Take a look at what happened as soon as he took PTYA.

ā€œI would absolutely recommend PTYA to anybody who wishes to start on their YouTube or content creation journey. Itā€™s brilliant to be amongst like-minded people, itā€™s so awesome to be connected with people across the world [ā€¦] and to then identify your own path. Itā€™s wonderful that this programme continues to thrive.ā€

warikoo (2,880,000 subscribers)

Ethan was already a full-time YouTuber with 400k subscribers. But taking PTYA helped him level up his channel across all fronts.

ā€œThereā€™s no secret trick to making it on YouTube, but what Ali and the team are going to show you is how to stack the deck in your favour. Ali will leap you way ahead of the curve and put structure and systems in place so you can consistently churn out better and better contentā€.

Ethan Chlebowski (1,590,000 Subscribers)

Chris already had a YouTube channel for his podcast, ā€œModern Wisdomā€ with 100k subscribers. But after taking PTYA, he decided to rebrand and relaunch his YouTube channel, taking the insights he learned from the course. Since then, his growth has absolutely skyrocketed.

"Part-Time YouTuber Academy really helped to take me from a total noob in regards to how YouTube works to pretty well-informed. It was a one-stop shop for me. It made a massive difference - the content that he and his team created is very useful and still now, 3 years after taking the course I am continuing to rely on some of the resources that I took from it then. I highly recommend it."

Chris Williamson (914,000 subscribers)

Dr Julie Smith already had a significant presence on TikTok but wanted to break into YouTube as well. She took PTYA, immediately applied her learnings, and her channel exploded.

Okay, so PTYA has clearly worked for other creators. But will it work for me specifically?

Well, that depends.Ā This certainly isnā€™t a magic bullet. And itā€™s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Success on YouTube is probabilistic.

We can help you save time and can teach you what you need to know to stack the deck in your favour.

But we canā€™t actually do the work for you. You have to put in the effort yourself.

Letā€™s start with who the course wonā€™t work for - this course isnā€™t for you if:

  1. You're not willing to put in the time and effort to make 1 video every two weeks, and to commit to consistency for the long term.
  2. You're looking for a magic bullet that'll get your channel to grow without any effort. There's no secret here. It's just about putting in the work, doing it consistently, and stacking the deck in your favour in whatever way you can.
  3. You're hoping that starting a YouTube channel will be a get-rich-quick scheme. Again, that's not how it works. There are no shortcuts.
  4. You're looking for a guaranteed path to 10k, 100k, or 1M subscribers. There are no guarantees in this game. It's like signing up for a writing course and expecting to have 1M readers per month for your blog, or 100,000 sales of your book. That's not how it works. We'll teach you the systems and processes that have worked for us and our students, but we obviously can't 'guarantee' any specific result.

Again, the one thing we can guarantee is that if you create useful videos, publish consistently, and do this for 2 years, your life will change.Ā 

Our only objective is to make it easier for you to maintain that level of consistency by building systems and saving time.

If that sounds like something you'd like, then this is the course for you.

If it's not what you're looking for, then sorry for wasting your time in reading this far, and we wish you the very best of luck. Regardless, feel free to email us if you need a hand with anything!

But - if youā€™re committed to growing your online brand and putting yourself in the best position to build, sustain and succeed at this YouTube thing, we're here for you, and we promise you'll get large amounts of value from the course.

The specifics of what this looks like can get a bit complicated, because (a) the courseĀ materials are pretty varied, and (b) the specific value you'll get from it does depend on your YouTube experience level. We've tried to break things down (very roughly) by subscriber count. Naturally, this is an imperfect metric, but it's the best we've got to stratify people, so please take the specific breakdown with a pinch of salt.

Please click your experience level with YouTube (subscriber count) and weā€™ll explain whether the course is a good fit for you.

Hereā€™s another fun stat - weā€™ve got a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, where if students have done the work (i.e. completed the course) and arenā€™t happy with the course for whatever reason, they can get a full, 100% refund.

Iā€™m sold already. Enrol Now

Okay, I get it -Ā the Part-Time YouTuber Academy is incredible.
But whatā€™s actually in the course?
What do I get when I enrol?

Great question :) Hereā€™s what our course curriculum looks like:

You'll also get access to our Creator Booster Pack (worth $949):

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy isn't the only course we've created to help people become successful, confident and driven content creators with thriving businesses.

So we decided to give you our otherĀ courses too.

Creatorpreneur Academy ($799)

Creatorpreneur AcademyĀ is a self-paced online course, with 6+ hours of content across 40+ lessons, where you'll learn everything there is to know about transforming your creative side-hustle into a sustainable operation that's highly profitable, hugely scalable, and ridiculously fun.

In particular, we'll be taking a deep dive into the principles, strategies, and tools businesses use to achieve consistent and sustainable growth, giving you a bunch of actionable + timeless insights you can use immediately to supercharge your creative projects.

Camera Confidence Masterclass ($149)

In this course - with over 4.5 hours of content across 40+ lessons,Ā Iā€™ll be teaching you everything that Iā€™ve learnt about camera confidence over the past few years of making hundreds of videos and coaching over 3,000 students as part of my Part-Time YouTuber Academy.

Weā€™re going to cover a bunch of principles, strategies and tools for being more comfortable on camera, and youā€™ll see real life evidence of these techniques in action as I take various members of my team through the exercises, and give them feedback throughout.

How much does this cost?

For context, you could pay $10,000 for an hour of my time over a Zoom call for a private coaching session. Or if like plenty of conference organisers do, you could pay $20,000 to fly me out to give a 30-60 minute talk where I cover 1% of what youā€™ll learn in the course. So thatā€™s one way of putting our pricing into context.

You could also pay $4995 to sign up to our Part-Time YouTuber Accelerator.

The other way to put our prices into context is to think of it as an investment in your YouTube ā€œbusinessā€. If youā€™re treating YouTube as a hobby, this course probably isnā€™t for you. But if youā€™re treating it like a business, then investing some money in saving time and increasing your odds of success seems like a no-brainer. Especially given (a) how much your life can change, and (b) how much money you stand to make if your YouTube channel goes well šŸ¤·

Anyway, enough spiel - here's the price.

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy


One-time fee (payment plans available)

Enrol Now
  • šŸ§  The Core PTYA Curriculum -Ā 10+ hours of material teaching you everything we know about YouTube from getting started all the way through to monetising, building a team and turning your channel from a hobby into a thriving business.
  • šŸ“š PTYA Bonus Modules - More than 16 hours of extra video training on camera gear, studio setups, monetisation, repurposing, community building, newsletter creation and more.
  • šŸ”‘ Lifetime access to all the course material so that as your channel grows, thereā€™ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.
  • šŸ’Ŗ Creator Booster Pack - Youā€™ll get access to two of our biggest courses Part-Time Creatorpreneur and Camera Confidence to help you become aĀ successful, confident and drivenĀ content creator with aĀ thrivingĀ business (both worth well over $900).
  • šŸ“• Our PTYA Workbook - this is a 56-page digital supplement to the course which breaks down each of the lessons into exercises you can use to really consolidate the learnings into actions that will supercharge your growth.
  • šŸš€ Our Part-Time YouTuber Productivity System , which includes checklists, frameworks and templates to turn you into a content-creation beastā€¦
    • šŸš‚ Create videos consistently and effortlessly through our Infinite Content Engine
    • šŸ Write scripts that captivate your audience using our H.I.V.E.S Framework and video format templates
    • šŸ“ø Identify the perfect camera, audio, and lighting gear for your budget (whatever your budget is) with our Gear Guru Checklists
    • šŸ’” Never run out of video ideas again using our Idea Generation Machine (our 7-part Framework for generating endless content ideas), our 5 Months of Content in 5 Minutes template and our 4A Framework.
    • šŸ“— Find the perfect editor or writer using our Outsourcing Almanack - a step-by-step method with a checklist for outsourcing, including pre-written job descriptions for editors and trial tasks for writers.
    • šŸ”„ Showcase your individuality and stand out from the crowd with our Forge Your Brand Framework - a combination of 3 of the best systems weā€™ve ever used to help you identify and leverage your authentic edge as a creator, and to help you understand how to attract subscribers even in a crowded niche
    • šŸ§­ Ensure your videos always connect with the audience you want using our Creatorā€™s Compass
    • ā˜„ļø Find the intersection between the videos you want to make and the ones which will grow your channel with our Identity Analyst template
  • Weā€™ve also got exclusive interviews with over 20 creators including Mrwhosetheboss, Matt Dā€™Avella, Nathaniel Drew, Lana Blakely, Elizabeth Filips and more, where they chat to us about different aspects of their content creation processes, their unique strengths as creators and how they think about content creation on YouTube. Our guests have a combined total of over 36 million subscribers , so thereā€™s an incredible amount of expertise you can learn from.
  • šŸŽ Exclusive Bonuses - Just for fun, weā€™re bundling in a bunch of incredible bonuses too. Keep scrolling for more šŸ˜‰

šŸŽ Wait, did you say free bonuses?

Yup. Weā€™ve decided to bundle in a bunch of free bonuses, just for fun:

Free Bonus #1

Access to the PTYA Community

Our community is one of the main reasons our students have enjoyed our course so much. Once you enrol, you'll get access to our community of over 4,000 like-minded creators who're sharing their wins, struggles, and learnings and are always ready to help solve your YouTube-related issues or answer your questions. Youā€™ll also get access to our live in-person events around the world, which are exclusive to alumni of PTYA.

Free Bonus #2

Part-Time YouTuber Foundations

Over 4 hours of instruction to teach you everything you need to get started with YouTube, like how to script, shoot, and edit your first video. Itā€™ll also teach you how to set up an awesome-looking channeland talk confidently to the camera so that youā€™re ready to start churning out awesome videos if you havenā€™t started already.

Free Bonus #3

Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X Online Course

(Normally on Skillshare, where the subscription costs $180/year) - In this 3-hour course, you'll learn everything you need to get started with Final Cut Pro and take your editing to the next level. We'll work to create a YouTube-style video following a 3-part workflow.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you - if youā€™re actually going to do the work šŸ˜‰

ā€œDo the workā€ technically involves completing the core modules. If youā€™ve done that and for whatever reason arenā€™t 100% happy with your experience, drop us an emailĀ (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and weā€™ll happily refund your entire payment .Ā 

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if youā€™ve completed the entire course and includedĀ your reason for the cancellation in the email.

Frequently Asked Questionsā€¦

šŸŽ“ Scholarships

We know that some people might not be able to afford PTYA and we donā€™t want the price to exclude individuals who are passionate about successfully growing their YouTube channel.

Thatā€™s why weā€™re offering some scholarship options to individuals who can show an enthusiasm and passion for growing their channel and who'd benefit from the content of the course. To apply, you must be over 18 and have an existing YouTube channel with at least 3 published, full length videos (not just Shorts).

If you meet these requirements, please write answers to ALL the questions in this form and attach a link to an Unlisted YouTube video - NO LONGER than 2 minutes in length - introducing yourself, explaining why youā€™d benefit from the course, why youā€™re applying for a scholarship, and finally what your goals and aspirations are for your channel.

Applications which donā€™t answer all the questions, or which provide a video longer than 2 minutes won't be considered.

Feel free to submit your application here.

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis at the end of each month. Just as a heads up, weā€™ll get back to you with our decision at the start of the following month. Thanks and good luck!

(Please make sure your application video is ā€˜Unlistedā€™ rather than ā€˜Privateā€™ otherwise we wonā€™t be able to see it!)

Frequently Asked Questions - Scholarships

Shervin Shaikh

Yogi & YouTuber
43.2k Subscribers

"This is the only course on YouTube where you can meet like-minded folks who will keep you accountable to posting videos & improving your skills. It's a like a mini-semester in Uni/College - I made new friends I still talk to everyday, I learned how to create great videos from start to finish, and I optimised my systems to increase my CTR and Watch Time."

Cora Harrison

Investor & YouTuber
98k Subscribers

"PTYA saved me a lot of time when it came to finding better equipment that drastically improved the quality of my videos. You know this was all great information because it was coming directly from someone who makes multiple high-end Youtube videos a week and, as a result, has more than 3 million subscribers."

John Gadget

Tech YouTuber
102k Subscribers

"Massive amounts of knowledge and learning, questions answered, friends made, ongoing access to content, new events scheduled for alumni, and the rather strange occupation of YouTuber 'normalised'. If you're serious about YouTube, the PTYA is a catalyst to success."

ā¤ļø Our Wall of Love ā¤ļø

Our students say very nice things about the course.
Hereā€™s what quite a lot of them had to say.

Need a hand?

Still not sure?

Just want to chat?

Drop us an email at team@aliabdaal.com

If youā€™ve got any questions about the course, or need a hand with anything else, weā€™re just an email away. Drop us a line and weā€™ll do our best to help šŸ˜Š

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy


One-time fee (payment plans available)

Enrol Now
  • šŸ§  The Core PTYA Curriculum -Ā 10+ hours of material teaching you everything we know about YouTube from getting started all the way through to monetising, building a team and turning your channel from a hobby into a thriving business.
  • šŸ“š PTYA Bonus Modules - More than 16 hours of extra video training on camera gear, studio setups, monetisation, repurposing, community building, newsletter creation and more.
  • šŸ”‘ Lifetime access to all the course material so that as your channel grows, thereā€™ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.
  • šŸ’Ŗ Creator Booster Pack - Youā€™ll get access to two of our biggest courses Part-Time Creatorpreneur and Camera Confidence to help you become aĀ successful, confident and drivenĀ content creator with aĀ thrivingĀ business (both worth well over $900).
  • šŸ“• Our PTYA Workbook - this is a 56-page digital supplement to the course which breaks down each of the lessons into exercises you can use to really consolidate the learnings into actions that will supercharge your growth.
  • šŸš€ Our Part-Time YouTuber Productivity System , which includes checklists, frameworks and templates to turn you into a content-creation beastā€¦
    • šŸš‚ Create videos consistently and effortlessly through our Infinite Content Engine
    • šŸ Write scripts that captivate your audience using our H.I.V.E.S Framework and video format templates
    • šŸ“ø Identify the perfect camera, audio, and lighting gear for your budget (whatever your budget is) with our Gear Guru Checklists
    • šŸ’” Never run out of video ideas again using our Idea Generation Machine (our 7-part Framework for generating endless content ideas), our 5 Months of Content in 5 Minutes template and our 4A Framework.
    • šŸ“— Find the perfect editor or writer using our Outsourcing Almanack - a step-by-step method with a checklist for outsourcing, including pre-written job descriptions for editors and trial tasks for writers.
    • šŸ”„ Showcase your individuality and stand out from the crowd with our Forge Your Brand Framework - a combination of 3 of the best systems weā€™ve ever used to help you identify and leverage your authentic edge as a creator, and to help you understand how to attract subscribers even in a crowded niche
    • šŸ§­ Ensure your videos always connect with the audience you want using our Creatorā€™s Compass
    • ā˜„ļø Find the intersection between the videos you want to make and the ones which will grow your channel with our Identity Analyst template
  • Weā€™ve also got exclusive interviews with over 20 creators including Mrwhosetheboss, Matt Dā€™Avella, Nathaniel Drew, Lana Blakely, Elizabeth Filips and more, where they chat to us about different aspects of their content creation processes, their unique strengths as creators and how they think about content creation on YouTube. Our guests have a combined total of over 36 million subscribers , so thereā€™s an incredible amount of expertise you can learn from.
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