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📔 Journal

  • Notes from a call with my YouTuber friends

    Some notes from a catch-up call with my YouTuber friends.

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  • 3 Books That Changed My Life

    Reading is one of the hobbies that I’ve consciously tried to maintain over the past few years. I think a lot of people underestimate how much we can learn from…

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  • The £5 item that made my student life much happier

    One of the best purchases I made at the start of my university days was a doorstopper. Whenever I was in my room during waking hours, I’d leave the door…

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  • How to be Excellent

    On the flight home from Sudan this week, I read an absolutely wonderful paper from 1989 called The Mundanity of Excellence – An ethnographic report on stratification and Olympic swimmers. The…

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  • A rule to follow in new situations

    I’m writing this post from a small town in Sudan where some other doctors and I are helping out with a medical mission running pop-up clinics in local villages (PS:…

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  • A simple trick to making New Year’s Resolutions stick

    You’ve probably heard about how most people don’t end up sticking to their New Year’s Resolutions. They buy gym memberships in January, go a handful of times and then stop…

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  • How to get stuff done

    I was chatting with a friend a little while back. He’s a final year medic at Cambridge, goes to the gym like every day, is pretty ripped, plays rugby for…

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  • Say yes to everything

    I came across some advice during my early university years that really helped me develop as a person. It went something like: When you’re early on in your career/life, say…

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  • Seventy excuses

    I was having dinner with a friend recently (let’s call her Annie), when conversation turned briefly to a mutual acquaintance (let’s call her Jane). Annie voiced an issue she had…

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  • The secret to success

    The secret to success is to pick something, and work on it for 10 years. I came across this quote in a Y Combinator interview with Courtland Allen, who made an amazing website/community…

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  • Getting over the fear of personal blogging

    The idea of setting up a personal blog has been swirling around in my head for some time, but I’ve never before managed to shake the nagging suspicion that to…

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  • Expectations/Hopes vs Training

    We don’t rise to the level of our expectations/hopes, we fall to the level of our training. – Archilochus I came across this quote a few days ago, and it…

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