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“I Quit My Job And Built A $10M Pizza Business” – Thom Elliot Founder of Pizza Pilgrims

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A lot of us dream about starting a business. But so many people spend years and years planning a business without actually taking the plunge and going for it. We want to plan for every challenge and potential problem, and forget that the most important step is to just start something. It turns out that some of the best businesses are born from spur of the moment decisions and taking surprising and exciting risks. In this episode of Deep Dive I chat to Thom Elliot, co-founder of the restaurant business Pizza Pilgrims. Pizza Pilgrims started on a whim when Thom and his brother went on a trip around Italy trying to taste test the best pizzas in the country. From there, Pizza Pilgrims has become an award winning business, which has survived all the adversity of the pandemic to celebrate its tenth birthday this year. In this conversation we talk all about how to become an entrepreneur, how to turn set backs into opportunities, and the importance of taking risks when starting your dream business. Enjoy!

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Deep Dive

With Ali Abdaal

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Deep Dive

with Ali Abdaal

The podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.