Tag: Books
My first death
Hey friends, I’m writing this email after getting home from a shift that ended up lasting 14 hours. One of our patients died tonight. It’s the first time that one…
Hey friends, I want to share a story today. As some of you might know, I’ve recently started my first job as a junior doctor (we’re now around a month…
Changing direction
Hey friends, A few months into my 4th year of medical school (ie: the first clinical year), I remember talking to one of the consultants on the ward. He asked…
Be content to be thought foolish
Hey friends, Here’s a quote from one of my favourite Stoic philosophers, Epictetus: If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid. This fear of being thought…
What pencil do you use?
Hey friends, You’ve probably heard of Stephen King. He’s like, the world’s most best-selling author of all time. He apparently attends lots of writers conferences where he does Q&As. Sometimes,…
“It’s busy, but really fun”
Hey friends, We had a housewarming party last night – lots of our friends came over and we had lots of chats and snacks, and played around 3 hours of Avalon.…
The Trichotomy of Control
Hey friends, Let’s talk about control. In a recent video (Life Advice – 50k subscribers Q&A), I alluded to the Stoic idea of how there are only two things we can…
Don’t believe the hype
Hey friends, Black Wednesday is nearly here. It’s the first Wednesday of August when doctors throughout the UK start their new jobs. Supposedly, this influx of inexperienced doctors leads to a 6%…
What to do over summer
Hey friends, I’ve been getting messages from people asking variants of “what should I do in the summer holidays of high school” or “What should I do in the summer…
Dealing with bad grades
Hey friends, Apologies for the post-midnight email this week – I got caught up building furniture and lost track of the time. Anyway, I’ve had a few messages from students…
How to get stuff done
I was chatting with a friend a little while back. He’s a final year medic at Cambridge, goes to the gym like every day, is pretty ripped, plays rugby for…
The Parable of the Pottery Class
Hey friends, There was once a pottery teacher called Brian. One month, he decided to split his class into two groups. Group A had to make a pot every day…