Tag: Outsourcing
How to become more confident
Hey friends, I’ve become a much more confident person over these last few years. Partly that’s come from recognising that there’s no difference between fake confidence and real confidence, and partly from becoming…
Getting Our House In Order
Hey friends, Last week, I made a mistake at work. My consultant asked me to check the dosing instructions of two anti-psychotic medications that a patient (“Harry”) had been given…
The Power of Project Lists
Hey friends, Last week I wrote about The Inbox for your Brain. I talked about how I use the app Things to note down any idea / to-do on my mind. Doing this…
The Inbox for your Brain
Hey friends, I want to share a quick productivity tip that’s been working wonders for me these past few weeks. In David Allen’s Getting Things Done, he introduces the key idea…
Our own worst critics
Hey friends, A few weeks ago, I sent out an email about The Reitoff Principle for Productivity. At the time, I thought the email was a load of shite – I…
The joys of handwriting
Hey friends, I recently bought a Leuchtterm notebook (after hearing Neil Gaiman’s recommendation). I’ve been using it extensively for the past 3 days, and I’m very pleasantly surprised at the ideas I’ve…
High-leverage housekeeping
Hey friends, This week, my brother Taimur (who I host a weekly podcast with in case you haven’t heard) introduced me to the idea of high-leverage housekeeping. I like the idea, and I’m going to…
3 minutes vs 3 months
Hey friends, For the past 3 months, I’ve had an item on my to-do list that’s been taking up mental space and weighing me down emotionally. That item was to…
The Reitoff Principle for Productivity
Hey friends, As you might know, I’m a big fan of productivity, consistency, discipline and buzzwords. Often however, I find myself in a place where I can’t fully enjoy myself…
Why everything is super low risk
Hey friends, This week, I was listening to an episode of Gary Vaynerchuk’s podcast, in which he was interviewing Tim Ferriss. They were answering phone calls from listeners, many of whom were…
A brain-hack to make life more pleasant
Hey friends, You know that feeling when you come across something on the Internet and it immediately resonates with you and you think of 100 different applications for it? Well…
Medical Adventure in Sudan
In January 2019, I and a group of doctors from Cambridge travelled to Sudan for a medical mission trip. With a team of Sudanese doctors, pharmacists, lab techs and 80…