Tag: Outsourcing
A small dose of positivity
Hey friends, I’ve spent this past week working as the surgical FY1 (junior doctor) in the Emergency Department. This involves fielding phone calls from GPs (general practitioners) who think their…
My most popular articles
Hey friends, This issue marks the 1-year anniversary of this weekly email newsletter. What started as a deviant thought has grown into a weekly ritual with 6,000 subscribers who (somehow)…
Using Notion as a Resonance Calendar
Hey friends, I talked in last week’s email about how I’ve started using the app Notion as a Second Brain. Almost daily I’ve been discovering new ways of using it to make my…
Building a Second Brain
Hey friends, A few Sundays ago, I shared a link in this newsletter to an article called How to create Idea babies – A knowledge processing system for marketers, creators and…
I’m starting a podcast!
Hey friends, No motivational life advice from me this week I’m afraid (although I’ve included 2 Kindle Highlights below to make up for it). Instead, I want to tell you…
The 2-minute productivity rule
Hey friends, There’s a good book called Getting Things Done – The Art of Stress-free Productivity by David Allen. It’s widely seen as the bible on productivity. There’s a simple concept in…
Parkinson’s Law
Hey friends, This week, I met up with a chap called Chris. He’s of the Acute Medicine Consultants at my hospital. Some friends and I are working with him on…
My rule for watching TV
Hey friends, When I was in secondary school, I used to watch many hours of TV shows each week. At one point or another, I was watching Gossip Girl, 90210,…
Keystone Habits
In Atomic Habits James Clear writes about Keystone Habits – small choices that lead to a cascade of other actions. For example, when he and his wife get home from work, they…
How removing options makes me more productive
Hey friends, I woke up this morning at 6:15 and, as usual, I was pretty groggy and tired. At that point, as usual, the Resistance started whispering to me –…
A productivity tip
Hey friends, At the start of this week, I found myself feeling a little overwhelmed. I’d been on holiday over the Christmas period, and on returning to the UK I…
When my to-do list piles up, I use this productivity trick
At the start of this week, I found myself feeling a little overwhelmed. I’d been on holiday over the Christmas period, and on returning to the UK I had two…