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How To Design Your Career For Happiness – Samantha Clarke

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On average, most of us will spend one third of our lives at work. That’s a lot of time. But even though we spend so much of our lives at work, according to a 2022 happiness study over one third of Brits are unhappy in their job. Samantha Clarke is a work happiness consultant, author of Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work and resident lecturer and facilitator at The School of Life , Simon Sinek ‘s platform and The Guardian who gives masterclasses on career potential, navigating transitions and change, managing stress and anxiety and finding confidence and purpose at work. During the conversation me and Samantha break down the traditional prescription around what a career needs to look like and tackle all the big questions facing someone navigating a career: how do you figure out what career path to choose, how do you know when it’s time to quit, how do you reinvent yourself in ease phase of your career, how do you negotiate emotional barriers to change, and most importantly, how do you design a career that you love. Enjoy!

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With Ali Abdaal

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with Ali Abdaal

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