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You’re Not Lazy: How To Make Discipline Easy – Ryan Holiday

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Are you wondering about your purpose? Perhaps you have big dreams but you’re not sure how to achieve them, or you’re struggling to find time for your true passions amid a busy life and lots of responsibilities. Ryan Holiday is a philosopher who has built a career writing bestselling books – and now he spends his time doing what he loves, writing and raising his kids. In this eclectic conversation we talk about the importance of focusing on the journey, finding joy in hard work, and the productivity hacks that will help you unlock your true creative potential. I loved this conversation with Ryan – I hope you enjoy!

Deep Dive

With Ali Abdaal

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Deep Dive

with Ali Abdaal

The podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.