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World’s Leading Expert On How To Solve Procrastination – Dr Tim Pychyl

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We can all struggle with procrastination. Putting stuff off not only makes us feel bad but it can set us back in our careers and lives. So what do we do about it? Dr Tim Pychyl is as one of the world’s leading experts in procrastination. He has written two books about how and why we procrastinate, as well as many scientific papers. In this episode of Deep Dive I talk to Tim about what exactly procrastination is, how to nudge ourselves into better habits, and spirituality and flow. Tim is such a brilliant and knowledgable researcher and this conversation gave me fascinating look into the psychology of procrastination.

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Deep Dive

With Ali Abdaal

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Deep Dive

with Ali Abdaal

The podcast that delves into the minds of entrepreneurs, creators and other inspiring people to uncover the philosophies, strategies and tools that help us live happier, healthier and more productive lives.